
Why create a website?

How would you find the answer to any question you care to ask? Search it on the internet of course. These days, there’s no getting away from the online world. The internet has everything covered; services to use, items to buy and places to go are all at your fingertips. Needless to say, more and more people are choosing to buy online, from the comfort of their own homes. Moreover, more Kiwis are also choosing to research and pick products and services based on online browsing.

This is probably all old news to you. The question you want answered is ‘Could a website be useful for my business?’ Chances are, the answer is a resounding yes. Websites attract customers, increase awareness of your business, and advertise your unique brand. And with all those Kiwis shopping and browsing online (1.6 million at last count*), it’s essential to create an online presence, to take advantage of this pool of consumers. If your brand isn’t out there making an impression, you’ll be missing out on a sizeable chunk of the pie.

If you’re still not fully convinced, here are the key reasons why a website would give such a good return on investment (ROI) for your business:

Websites let you gain subscribers or prospects.

All businesses rely on customers to survive. But how can you attract new customers to your business? Websites are an effective way of doing this. The key is to give users browsing your website a way to stay in touch, so you can remind them why your business best suits their needs. Incorporating subscribers’ forms on your website works well. Interested users provide you with their name and email address and, just like that, you’ve got a growing database of potential clients.

Your website is a shopping cart.

Depending on what goods or services you are offering, customers can buy directly from your website. If you’re selling products, your website can act like a shopping cart; users browse, add items to their carts and then pay at the checkout when they’re done. A fully secured payment page is also a must, so that consumers will have no fears about scammers or phishers.

If your business offers services, you could have an online booking form allowing the user to immediately make an appointment with you. Alternatively, offering contact details, opening times and addresses on your website maximises the ease of using your service.

Information is easily read and shared on your website.

 A good-quality website is almost always shared among friends and family. Your leads have friends with common interests. A well-designed page now includes badges and social media icons, or links to Twitter and Facebook. Uploading personal media files such as photos and videos and making them easy to share also helps your customers connect and share. The more you publicise your business online and provide ways for users to connect, the more likely it is that they will engage with you. The greatest thing about the online community is the way in which you can interact with others. Making your business interactive will help you integrate well, both with social media and with your customers.

Optimising your website’s ROI

 So websites increase your business’s visibility, help you gain subscribers, let customers buy directly and help your customers tell everyone about you. Those are the basics. However, there’s still a few more tips and tricks you can employ to really maximise your website’s impact, and thereby optimise your ROI.

Websites attract traffic for your business, but users need to be able to find your website first. Ideally, you want your website to appear near the top of a search engine’s results list. You may have heard of search engine optimisation (SEO) already. Carried out by professionals, this method of using keywords that describe your business can make all the difference to your place in a results list. Consumers usually click on the first few links that come up after their search, so it’s important to have professional SEO in place, to make sure your website is visible.

It’s also not enough to have a simple page listing your goods and services, with a company logo. With over half a billion websites waiting to be accessed online, your site needs to be eye-catching and user-friendly enough to keep consumers on your web page. The more pleasing and easy-to-use your website design is, the more likely you are to attract and retain clients. And more returning traffic to your website means more potential customers.

So, thanks to great website design, SEO and shareable content, your website will be attracting traffic. Users will browse, perhaps sign up to an email list, or buy online. Those who sign up become your leads for email marketing, and a percentage of these will be converted into customers. Sounds like a lengthy process, but it can’t even begin without that website promoting you online.

After your initial investment, your website starts working for you round the clock – it’s like a shop front constantly lit, advertising your goods and services. It’s the basis for attracting users, gaining subscribers, creating marketing lists and ultimately promoting your business to those you want to reach. Set up professionally, by experts in design, content, SEO and general online know-how, your website will give you a fantastic ROI with minimal further investment required. If you’re ready to take your business a step into the future, contact us today to discuss how we can help promote your business and brand online.